Wednesday, July 2, 2014

"Roses from My Garden" and other Daily Paintings

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This is my painting of the day, "Roses from My Garden." I drew the "plan" for the painting yesterday, because I was afraid the roses wouldn't last another day. Yesterday I had to rush off to deliver some paintings to the Reuels in downtown Salt Lake (I am their Featured Artist for the month of July). I also planned on painting from the open draw held at the Visual Art Institute, so I knew I would get my "Daily painting from Life" done. This morning, the roses still looked beautiful, but they had opened up quite a bit more, especially the center flower. I tried to hold true to both my memory of yesterday and the current view. I did not use a photo reference at all during the painting process (I want credit!).

So I'm on Day 5 of "Daily Painting From Life." Let's see how long I can keep it up, eh? 

Let me "back peddle a bit and tell you about the first four days. I started on June 27th. I'm calling this one "Summer Light." I had a chance to paint on the second day of Brienne Brown's plein air workshop. There were two other efforts the same day, though not worth showing :)

I had to skip June 28th (Busy coordinating the workshop), but I have painted at least one painting each day since then. Here is my June 29th painting, "Pigeons & Popcorn" half sheet (15"x22"), watercolor.

Then here is my June 30th painting, "Fade to Peace."  About 4"x10", watercolor. This I painted outside in my back yard. It started out as a bigger painting, but I cropped down to two. Then my sweet hubby cut the roses and put them in a vase for our dining room. They were the inspiration for the painting above. 

On July 1st, I attended an open draw session at the Visual Art Institute. I sketched 3, 15-minute poses on tracing paper, and painting a watercolor of the long pose. 


  1. Welcome to blog-land Colleen! Keep posting... I love seeing what you're up to :)

    1. Thank you, Ruth. I likewise love seeing what YOU are up to. :)
